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Private schools in Bahrain and foreign schools in Bahrain

Private schools in Bahrain Education in Bahrain was in the past limited only to the idea of ​​kotatib, which are old institutes whose goal is to teach children to read the Qur’an, but after the development that occurred after the end of the World War led to the development of education, and the emergence of some private schools in Bahrain, and this is our topic Today, so follow the following lines with us on the EGYPress website.

Private schools in Bahrain

The first two regular schools were opened at the beginning of the twentieth century, where the Al-Hedaya Al-Khalifia School was opened in Muharraq, after which girls were included in formal education, based on the desire of the parents to educate their daughters in the same way as the boys.
In 1928, the first regular school for girls’ education was opened, and its name at that time was the Khadija Al-Kubra School.

Foreign schools in Bahrain

The beginning of the emergence of foreign schools in the territory of the State of Bahrain was revealed through Zwemer’s memoirs, where he spoke about the emergence of the first private foreign school in Bahrain.
This school was Al-Raja’ School, and she said that it was just a simple school on the balcony of the American Mission’s house on the territory of Bahrain.

That was in 1899, when the children of the Iraqi prisoner Amin were living in Zwemer’s house, and they needed education, in addition to two other children serving in the American mission house.
The best solution for these children was to be educated rather than sitting like that without work, as she said that the devil is trying to control unemployed minds.

The reason for the emergence of private schools
All countries of the world, especially the Gulf Cooperation Council countries, were keenly interested in education, and providing this right to everyone on an equal basis.
However, the demand for education is increasing, as well as the increase in educational, research, community, and training jobs, as well as the high costs of education for the state, in conjunction with the deficit in the state budget for education on the other hand.
All of this resulted in the idea of ​​searching for other sources of funding for education, and increasing its budget, while reducing expenditures on this field. To finance educational facilities in Bahrain, the process of privatizing education was carried out by the government of Bahrain.
Education budget in Bahrain
The government of Bahrain has suffered from many crises in the past decade, as well as many of the Gulf Arab countries that depend on oil production; This is due to the drop in oil prices in its global markets, since 2014.
The Ministry of Education in the Kingdom of Bahrain has significantly increased the allocations that are directed directly to educational facilities, and significantly strengthened this area through the country’s general budget.
As a result, financial allocations directed to education increased from 230 million dinars, and that was in 2009, and became 340 million dinars in 2016.
Private educational institutions in Bahrain
The state has taken care of making partnerships with the private education sector; This is because it represents a large aspect of the educational process within the Kingdom of Bahrain, as well as an additional source of great value in the future for increasing the value of public income.
The actual number of educational institutions in the private sector at the beginning of this century was 162 institutions, but then, and recently, 225 institutions, not counting the private universities spread in many regions of the Kingdom.

The number of institutions specialized in teaching children has become more than 130 kindergartens, with a large number of children that may exceed 35,000 children.
The number of students in the primary stage in private schools reached more than half of the number of students in public schools, and in the preparatory stage more than a third of the number of public preparatory schools, as well as almost the same percentage in private secondary schools.
The demand for private schools in Bahrain
There is a great demand for private schools in Bahrain; This is because they compete fiercely in the field of education, and facilitate cooperation between citizens and the Ministry of Education, and these schools.
Private schools in Bahrain have many programs that contain major activities and events, and this is carried out continuously throughout the year, and the school contributes greatly to the development of children’s talents, in order to create a strong Bahraini personality.
And the demand for these private schools is not only limited to students, or even their parents, but also Bahraini teachers, as the school provides them with full insurance for teachers, and students as well.
The private schools in Bahrain work on graduating a fully prepared and qualified student for postgraduate studies, and the requirements of the labor market as well, which works to advance the country’s economy and clearly develop societies.

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